There is a small boy. He was studying 5th standard. He was next to my house. He always come to my house and play. One day i asked him that who was your inspiration. He said Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam sir is my only inspiration and i want to become an scientist. One day his father was died. So that his mother stopped his schooling. The boy was stayed in house for two years. Between the two years he invented a machine for travelling.He has knowledge but Money. Their is a government school also but his mother dont like the way is. Because the slum area boys all are studying there the characters was worst they dont respect anyone. Talk bad words with others. Teaching also bad with the school. He was a good and brilliant student.
One day tamil nadu government conducted a huge scientific research program. Most of the students were participated in that program. After the heavy struggle he participated in that competition. Also he won the first price with the cash price of Rs.1,00,000. His mother is proud of his son to achieve this. but she also feel that he have not studied school at all but he achieves. His mother eyes full of tears.
The Government called him and asked how do you think about this. He said my inspiration is Dr.A.P.J. Abdul kalam sir I take is quotes as inspiration and My favorite is "You have to dream before the dream comes true" And " Dream, Dream, Dream, Dreams transfer into a thought and thought result in action". This two Inspirational words make me to achieve this. The government take him in their control now the boy Started achieving many the awards in all over world. His mother was so proud of him because of his growth. One day he was free in his cabin. He called his mother to come and visit him. Because anytime the work can come so that you come here and meet me when im free.
She came to his office. While coming to his office she saw the awards kepy in the showcase. One man come and ask her who are you? And what are you doing here? She said he is my son. And he asked sorry mam i dont know. Please come in mam. I will go and call him. At that time he was in work. His mother see him from far away. He is working with the peoples. She feel very happy to he his mother. He came to his cabjn his mother was sitting there And talk with her. She is in very happy mood. She said him that iam verg much proud of you my son and we have to gave party to your staff. He also arranged for the party that day night itself. Everyone has been enjoyed with the party but he was not happy because his aim is to go to moon he thought one day his dream will come true.