Kumar | English Short Stories for Kids



Kumar |  English Short Stories for Kids

While entering into the college on first day with many dreams on first day with many dreams day with many dreams. The ball is is from middle class family his name was Kumar. When he entering into his block department He saw  a beautiful girl is crossing  thought that he was a was a dream and not blinking for a second. And went to the  classroom to search her her and sit in the last bench is waiting for for the teacher and he suddenly turns to right  the same girls sitting near to him he was shocked but it was not a dream after the teacher was came free call out all the names in the classroom she said I will call the name one by one you have to get up and tell that where are you from and what is your father's name mother's name and at last of of you have tell your aim. Mum started calling the name one by one while Kumar don't said that my name is K Kumar. 

 I am from Chennai my father name is K Karthik and my mother name is K Saranya my aim is to become a hacker and then Kumar wait for the girls turn at last girls stand up and said my name is Aishwarya I am from Kerala after that the class was over decide Kumar there was a man named srikanth. 

He asked  Kumar tell about him Kumar said I have nothing to say but I wish to you sing a song both put hi fi because they both like songs from that day they became good friends Kumar I said to him to him that he likes the girl Aishwarya. she is looking like an angel I started loving her but one side love few months later in the college event where conducted Kumar and srikanth participated in the singing competition she also participated in the singing competition both were performed in the the stages but his performed good in the singing competition and get  first prize in the competition and Kumar friend get second price so that music team selected to perform in every events and culturals. 

 everyday there was an practice session one day Kumar and his friend have some work so they went to Kanchipuram because of small work so did not able to attend the classes for 3 days after they come to college Aishwarya come near to the Kumar and asked To Kumar why you both absent for 3 days. I was shocked that she was talking to him after that both became friends and shared their life Aishwarya every details about her and her family problems.  that her father was died in a small age. when she was 10 I have no brothers so can I call you brother he said OK.  

Next day Kumar told everything to his friend. He laughed at Kumar and said ok all is well few moments later Aishwarya mother died due to illness so Kumar when went there and do to all the formalities and called Aishwarya to is house. when he entered into his house his father and mother. I was eating in the dining table. I said everything about Aishwarya to parents and its parents accepted to you allowed to stay with them after finished the college their parents arranged marriage to her after that marriage is over Aishwarya husband take care of her and took her to the United States and 1 year is over one boy baby is born to him. She kept a name as kumar that was the love Between the Brother and sister.

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