Reality knows from heart | English Short Stories for Kids



Reality knows from heart | English Short Stories for Kids

There was a small town ruled by the king and the queen. The king was humble and request the people in a gentle manner. And takes the decision at every corner of point to give an elegant and correct verdict to solve the problem and give a solution. But the queen is not at all as by the king. The queen was more arrogant at his position. She ordered everyone by disrespectfully. She ruled every time arrogance. Every time collapses the king from any decision of correct decision taken by the king. But due to the queen he confused from his decision.

A small example of her foolish and arrogance mind split through the king. One day belonging to that township a fisherman was lived in that town. He was a great fisherman in that town. But he was a more genuine and respectful man like the king. One day he went into the sea using the boat for fishing in the sea. Without being like the other day he sea a mystery fish. That seems to be wonderful at all in the ocean. But it too hard to catch the fish by using his web. so he returned to his beach and ask the other fisherman to give his stronger web for fishing. He went back to the sea and search for that great wonderful fish. Finally, he seemed that fish again and he tried to caught that fish, but the fish tried to call scape fastly from the fisherman. But the fisherman not about to give up he chased the fish fastly and through the web over the fish. And finally, he catches the fish.

 He was so happy for getting the fish. By getting that happiness return to the beach. And he told about the fish Glory and how he worked hard to catch the fish. And he thinked to present the fish as a gift for the king. So he went to the fort and present the gift to the king. The king was so surprised to the gift presented by the fisherman and the king thank the fisherman for the gift. So the king was so happy about the gift. So he offers him a hundred gold coins. But the arrogance queen getting angered because she doesn't get any gift from anyone. So she started to confusing the king that the hundred gold coin was not worth of that fish. He told the king that the fisherman cheating him the king was confused. So the king think to how get him back.

The king ask the question to the fisherman to get back the coins. But the fisherman answered cleverly. By seeing his cleverness offered him a one more gold bag. But the bag was geted a hole and a coin drop from that bag. The fisherman suddenly takes down the coin immediately. The king asked him that you takes that coin immediately. So are you so greedy asked by the king.

The fisherman replied that no king the coin has stamped your face no one can do not over do it soi take immediately. The king was felt guilty to underestimate him and Sayed dry to the fisherman. The runout immediately from the throne to her don't underestimate anyone before knowing the whole concept.

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